Management Corporate Strategy Strategic HR Organizational Culture Teams
What is Scientific Management
The goal of this management theory is reduction in the cost of production activities by using division of labor, standardization and specialization. Frederick Taylor is known as the “Father of Scientific Management”.
What is Strategy
Provides the direction that enables an organization to achieve its long-term objectives
What is Human Resource Management
Design of formal systems in an organization that ensure the effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals
What is Organizational Culture
-The basic assumptions and beliefs shared by members of an organization
-An informal, shared way of perceiving life and membership in an organization that binds members together and influences what they think about themselves and their work.
What is Self-managed teams
Teams responsible for producing an entire product, a component, or an ongoing service
What is Division of labor
The process of breaking difficult work into smaller tasks
What is Cost Leadership strategy
This competitive corporate strategy focuses on being the low-cost producer in the industry. Also called “Operational Excellence” strategy
What is Human Resource Strategy
A firm’s deliberate use of human resources to help it gain or maintain an edge against its competitors in the marketplace
The general approach an organization adopts to ensure that it effectively uses its people to accomplish its mission
What is Norms
Practices that evolve in working groups over time (ex. Roundtable at the end of meetings)
What is Problem-solving teams
Teams which exist for only a limited period of time to solve a particular problem
What is Standardization
The process of coordinating work efforts by providing employees with carefully planned standards and procedures that guide the performance of their tasks.
What is Differentiation strategy
This competitive corporate strategy focuses on creating products or services which are different from the competition by providing unique characteristics that consumer’s value and for which they are willing to pay a premium price.
What is Strategic HR Planning
The process of formulating HR strategies and establishing programs or tactics to implement those strategies
What is Rules of the game
Rules for getting along in the organization, “the ropes” that a newcomer must learn to become an accepted member (ex. Listening more than speaking in the beginning)
What is Special-purpose teams
Teams which consist of members who span functional or organizational boundaries and whose purpose is to examine complex issues such as introducing new technology, improving the quality of work process, or encouraging cooperation between labor and manageme
What is Specialization
The process of dividing work efforts in order to keep jobs from becoming so complex that they require a greater range of skills that essentially cannot be performed by one individual.
What is Focused strategy
This competitive corporate strategy focusing a particular buyer group, segment of the industry or a geographical market.
What is Human Capital
Combined knowledge, skills, and experience of a company’s employees
What is Feeling or Climate
Conveyed in an organization by physical layout and interactions between people (offices)
What is Virtual teams
Teams which use interactive computer technologies such as the Internet to work together despite being separated by physical distance. Virtual teams allow organizations to position individuals on teams who might not be otherwise available.
What is Administrative Principles Theory
The goal of this management theory is increased efficiency of administrative procedures.
What is Human Capital Advantage strategy
This competitive corporate strategy focuses on investing more in human capital than the competition making intangibles like the culture and spirit of an organization the competitive advantage.
What is Environmental challenges of HR
Forces external to a firm that affect the firm’s performance but are beyond the control of management (ex. Legislation, globalization, technological changes)
What is Ceremonies
Special events in which organization members celebrate stories, heroes and symbols (ex. communication meetings or award ceremony)
What is Quality Circle
A carefully selected group of employees who voluntarily meet on a regular basis to identify problems and make recommendation by using various techniques for analyzing and solving work-related problems.


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