Basic FF1 Knowledge | Popular Movies | Crew Tactics and Terminology | Do you know Cal Fire? | Random-ness? |
What Does ERG Stand For?
Emergency Response Guide
What Show were the Step Brothers watching after they got in a fight?
Shark Week
What is the term "minding your dime"
10 FT Spacing
Who is Cal Fires Mascot ( Current )
Captain Cal
What is IIPP
Injurie and illness prevention program
What are the 4 sides of the fire Tetrahedron
Fuel, Heat Oxygen, Chem. Chain Reaction
What Movie Does the Quote "Kick His Ass Sea Bass!" come from
Dumb and dumber
Name all Positions Of The Hook Line Order (6)
Captain, Saw, Puller, Lead, Scrape, Safety
What is Cal Fires New Helicopter Called
Fire Hawk
What type is cal fires wildland firefighting engine
Type 3
What is Number 6 of the 10 standard fire orders
Be Alert Keep calm think clearly act decisively
Which war was the movie Fury Based in
What is said when passing another FF while cutting line?
Bumping By!
True or false Cal fire only fights fire in the state of California
What is the most poisoners snake in California
California Coral Snake
What are the 5 Ss of a hand tool
Straight Smooth Sharp Secure Sound
Great Balls Of Fire! is a quote from what movie
Top Gun
What is are the 3 methods of Hand crew firefighting?
Direct, Indirect, Combination
What is Cal Fires Union Number
What is on the back inside cover of the IRPG
Safety Briefing checklist
Who is The Cal Fire Director
Chief Joe Tyler
What is Harry potters 1st Broom Model
Nimbus 2000
What is 6X4
6 Ft cut and 4 foot scrape down to bare mineral soil
True or false Cal Fire is the largest Fire fighting organization in the US
What are the first names of the week end crew supervisors
Nick Chase David