Bullying 101 | Is it Bullying? | Cyber Bullying | Ways To Handle Bullying | Different Types of Bullying |
What is Bullying?
Someone who uses superior strength or influence to harm or intimidate someone else. They make others feel bad and can harm others either verbally, emotionally or physically.
Yes, this is bullying, it happens repeatedly
Is this an example of bullying? John and Ted push Chris in the hallways every time they see him walk by and call him names on the playground.
What is Cyberbullying?
the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. (Spreading rumors and lies, pretending to be you online, stealing personal info)
Parent, school counselor, principal, teacher, friend, trusted adult
Name 3 people to go to if you are being bullied.
Hitting, punching, kicking, pinching, tripping, spitting, etc
Give an example of physical bullying
What is Bullying?
Intentionally hurting someone and is a REPEATED behavior against the same person for a length of time.
Tattling is when someone tells on someone else because they get satisfaction out of seeing another person get in trouble. Reporting bullying is when you take a stand against someone who is harming you or someone else.
What is the difference between tattling and reporting bullying?
Text messaging, Facebook and other social media, Instant Messagers, password & identity theft, emails, blogs, interactive games
Where are three places cyber-bullying can occur?
False. GET YOUR SHIELDS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
True or false: You should tell a trusted adult every time anyone calls you a name or excludes you from something.
Insults, name calling, threats, repeated teasing
Give an example of verbal bullying
Insulting, hitting, rumors/gossip, cheating, stealing, lying, threatening
Name 3 bullying behaviors?
No - this is not bullying because it is not a repeated behavior from this person.
A classmate is in a bad mood one day and tells you to leave her alone because you are annoying her. Is this bullying?
Do not share passwords, don't respond to bully (reaction is what a bully wants), block the person from your social media sites, emails and phone contacts, save all evidence, tell a parent, tell a teacher or counselor,
Name 2 ways to protect yourself against cyber-bullying?
Tell the bully to stop, tell an adult, get the victim away from the bully
Name 2 ways a bystander can handle bullying?
Gossip, spreading rumors, leaving others out
Give an example of social bullying
What is a bystander?
Someone who witnesses bullying occurring and chooses to join in, or ignores it and walks away
Yes - the behavior is repeated
Every day a classmate calls you ugly. This classmate also spreads rumors about you to others. Is this bullying?
True - most states have bullying and cyber-bullying laws. IN WV you can be charged with a felony and be fined and face jail time. Also against school policy.
True or False: West Virginia has cyber-bullying laws?
True. A bully wants a reaction from you and they want to know that they hurt you and make you upset. Ignoring the bully and not showing that you're upset can show the bully they cannot hurt you.
True or false: You should ignore bullies?
Threatening social media messages, texts, emails, hacking
Give an example of cyber bullying
Physical: Hitting etc
Verbal: Name calling, insults Social: Rumors, leaving others out Cyber: Texts, Facebook, etc
What are the 4 types of bullying?
No, this is not bullying
A girl in your class gives you mean looks whenever you look at her and rolls her eyes at you sometimes. Is this bullying?
True - Studies show that girls are twice as likely as boys to be cyber bullies.
True or false: Girls are more likely than boys to be cyber bullies?
You should ALWAYS tell a trusted adult when someone is physically hurting you. While insults can be ignored and dealt with in other ways, being psychically hurt is wrong and should be reported immediately.
What should you do if someone is physically hurting you?
Verbal bullying
What type of bullying involves teasing, name calling and insults?