Definitions | Random | Types of Bullying |
What is when a stronger of more powerful person unfairly and deliberately hurts or frightens someone with less power over and over again?
-talk to a trusted parent, teacher, or adult
-be kind to the kid being bullied -stick up for the person
What is one thing you can do if you see physical bullying?
-Physical Bullying
-Verbal Bullying -Cyberbullying
What are the three types of bullying?
Bullying using technology, the internet, and social media
What is cyberbullying?
Verbal Bullying
Name calling is included in what type of bullying?
Verbal Bullying
What is the most common form of bullying?
A person who stands back and watches bullying happen without doing anything or taking action
What is a bystander?
What percentage of kids have been threatened online?
-pushing -hitting -damaging property
What does physical bullying include?