True/False | Statistics | Forms of Bullying | Side effects | Miscellaneous |
What is True
Tricking others is a form of bullying.
how many people each year stay home because of bullying?
kicking, hitting, spitting, scratching, punching, and taking someone's things.
What is a form of physical bullying?
Can bystanders of bullying have side effects?
report incident, get help, stick with other people, talk to someone, or call the bully hotline
How can you prevent bullying?
What is True
People bully others because they may have been bullied in the past.
1 in 10 students
How many people drop out of school due to bullying?
verbal, physical, cyber, and social/relational (indirect)
What are the 4 types of bullying?
Do people self harm because of bullying?
taught not to tattle, afraid situation will get worse, embarrassed, think no one cares, or don't want to worry parents
. Why do people not get help when they are being bullied?
What is False
Physical bullying is when you harass someone online.
1 in 20 students
How many kids see a student with a gun in school?
name calling, insulting, teasing, offensive remarks, and racial/sexist/homophobic jokes
What is verbal bullying?
Do bullies feel happy after they bullied someone?
Can bullying lead to school shootings?
What is True
Loss of appetite is a side effect of bullying.
1 in 4 teachers
How many teachers stop bullying?
social/relational (indirect)
Excluding someone from a group is a form of what kind of bullying?
no, they have life long side effects
Do bullies have short term side effects?
to seek power, unhappy at work, for recognition, not loved, have been bullied in the past, or are annoyed.
Why do people bully?
What is True
Using sexually suggestive or abusive language is a form of verbal bullying.
What is the percentage of 4th-8th graders that are bullied?
text messaging, instagram, twitter,, facebook, phone call bullying, and picture/video clip bullying via phones
What is an example of cyber bullying?
depression, sef-harm, loss of interest in hobbies, anxiety, loss of appetite, harming others, or suicide.
What are the side effects of bullying?
verbal bullying
What form of bullying does being sexist belong in?