Tier 2 | Tier 1 |
Hotel, Restaurant and indoor lodging should be deleted.
"If a restaurant or indoor_lodging GConcept cannot be verified, remove and leave blank."
The listing is for Joe’s Inn and Suites. There is no website and both you and the op have called 3 times with no answer. No other resource to verify. Pav has Gconcepts as Hotel, Restaurant, Bar and Indoor lodging. Which gCons should be deleted?
The address should be updated from PO box to the correct physical location and verify other attributes and mark existence as exists verifiable.
"Listing has a postal box or other mailing only address and the physical address CANNOT be found by phone or w
Listing is for a Park and the address in mco and PAV is a P.O. box address. Operator on call found the correct physical address for the park. On maps there is no listing present with the correct address. What should be the correct workflow followed by the
Adding/verifying/not deleting wrong marker location.
The listing’s identity is for the new location is address B but the marker is pointing at the old location address A which is definitely wrong. "After changing an address in the tool to a different ph
Business moved from location A to location B.
Listing’s identity is for location A so the operator closed the listing and established a move to relation for location B. Location B geocodes on top of a building. The operator was not able to verify |
For insurance agents, attorneys and realtors one should prefer or add and prefer the hierarchical title if mco has inputs for both the agency and the agent. In this scenario as the mco has only one input and thats only for the agent and is matching with t
Listing is for an attorney “Michael C.Klein”. MCO has only one feed which is for “Michael C.Klein”. PAV reflects the same title too that is “Michael C.Klein”. Operator preferred that title with call as basis and fixed the listing marking existence as exis
No Error
The word 'suite' does not make the address wrong and it is user friendly. Anseo give the example "100 W. El Camino Real, Suite 63A, Mountain View, CA 94040" in the Best column
Operator verified an address on PAV “532 vidal drive,Suite 4,San Francisco, CA 94132, USA”.
In address components the sub premise field has the value as “Suite 4”. What should be the revert sent by the Qcer on address attribute? |
Remove the listing as Spam.
"Mark listing adds for Service Area Businesses (even if they have a storefront) as REMOVED (SPAM)."
Its a listing add and the title on the PAV is for “Dorthy Plumbing”. Operator called and verified that they are an SAB but they DO have a legitimate storefront at address “100 3rd Ave SW, Rochester, MN, United States” which is also reflecting on the PAV.
Incorrect statement on pending edits.
“Why do we mark pending phone edits from our users wrong if there is already a correct number in the listing? This is necessary to avoid hijacks, where a business (competitor or third party) inserts their own phone
The operator on call verified and preferred a phone attribute value. There are multiple pending edits on phone attribute adding different number. As the operator was not able to verify the other numbers he marked those pending phone values as UV. What sho
A call the number three times over 2 days before sending back to the operator "Make up to three attempted calls at different times of day on 2 different days if you encounter any of the following: Closed/DNE LPRs or other inconclusive signals per Existenc
There is a listing with a closed LPR- the operator called once and reached VM. They closed with 2 strong signals- closed LPR and location is not found on website. Do you A call the number three times over 2 days before sending back to the operator or B pa
Missing BH where required. If business hours are unavailable after 3 attempts, verify hours using official website (if available).
Listing is for a restaurant and the operator was not able to reach the business after three calls. PAV has no value in BH attribute. There is an official website present on PAV which reflects the BH Operator left #BHNotConfirm and fixed the listing.
What |
Send back as Incorrect/Missing basis. The website is actually correct but the op did not verify in the correct way.
"Third party hosted webpage with content owned and controlled by place (confirm by phone when entity doesn't have its own domain name like
Listing for Studio 767 Tattoos has website http://studio767.tumblr.com/. Op confirmed it with website basis and since it has a matching header and address. You call as QC and confirm this is their only website and they control the content of the tumblr. D