Raft 1 | Raft 2 | Raft 3 | 5 Precepts & 4 Noble Truths | Noble 8-Fold Path |
Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri
Lanka, Thailand
Which 4 main countries practice Theravada?
Tibet, People's Republic of China
In what country is it practiced?
Mahayana, or the Great Vehicle
This path is the largest division of Buddhism, claiming well over half of the world's Buddhists.
To live is to _________.
Right Speech
To avoid wrong deeds such as gossip, lying, and abusive talk.
Hinayana / the Lesser Vehicle
What is the derisive name some give to Theravada Buddhism?
Vehicle of the Diamond
What's the meaning of Vajrayana?
Prayer and devotion
The Great Vehicle focuses on the Buddha, opening the door to this and appealing to the masses.
The Buddha
He taught the Four Noble Truths in his first sermon.
Right Livelihood
To abstain from occupations that harm others, like being a butcher or selling liquor.
The ideals of success in Theravada Buddhism are known as this.
Tibet has endured much religious persecution by China's communist government.
What's the significance of geographical location?
The infinite grace of Buddha
The Great Vehicle offered salvation through this.
Suffering is caused by _________.
Right Views
To learn the content of the Buddha's teachings, especially the Four Noble Truths.
Theravada focuses on this form of am ascetic lifestyle.
1/6 of males are monks
Why is it unique?
The word for "Buddhas in the making".
The first precept is "Do not take ______".
Right Mindfulness
To keep careful attention on one's actions and develop the mental focus needed for meditation.
"The way of the elders"
Theravada stands for this 5 word phrase.
Shutting off the energy to desire to stop suffering
What's the response to human desire?
Owing to the infinite depth of their compassion, these Buddhas in the making transfer what to their devotees?
The Five Precepts apply to all ________.
Right Meditation
To ascend through 4 levels of trance to reach a state of tranquility from which sense of individual existence has passed.