Buddhism Terms | Zen Buddhism Terms | Zen's Influence on Arts | Buddhism Proper Nouns | Buddha by the Numbers |
the basic Buddhist concept that life is suffering
The Chinese sect of Buddhism that focuses on the experience of enlightenment.
A verbal puzzle designed to short-circuit the rational, logical mind.
The teachings of Buddha
Life is suffering, suffering is caused by desire, suffering can be stopped, the solution is to follow the 8-fold path.
Four Noble Truths
those who have experienced enlightenment but stop short of nirvana to help others achieve it.
The school of sudden awakening
black ink painting
Teaching that rejects both extreme pleasures and self-denial (asceticism) but focuses on a practical approach to spiritual attainment
Middle Way
One of the Four Noble Truths that defines the practices of Buddhism that lead to nirvana.
Noble Eightfold Path
impermanence; the Buddhist concept that all things are constantly changing.
Zen masters who are deemed competent to teach others.
Landscape architecture based on principles of simplicity and affinity with nature. Usually contains rocks, water, pruned shrubs or trees.
Zen gardens
The largest of Buddhism's three division; emphasizes prayer and bodhisattvas.
Mahayana (the Great Vehicle)
The Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha
Three Jewels of Buddhism
The ultimate goal of all Buddhist: the extinction of desire. "blowing out"
The school of gradual awakening.
Consisting of 17 syllables following a 5-7-5 pattern
The "lesser"way, focuses on early texts and Buddhist teachings and meditation.
Theravada (the way of the elders)
Old man, sick man, dead man, ascetic
The Four Passing Sights
The Buddhist doctrine of no permanent self
The basic method of Zen meditation, seated in lotus position
Japanese circle; symbol for Zen. It is a common subject for Japanese painting.
Head of clergy and spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism
Dalai Lama
no-self (anatta), impermanence (anicca), suffering (dukkha)
Three Marks of Existence