Attendance and Punctuality | Use of Equipment and Vehicles | Fiscal Policy |
What is Time Keeping
Time worked is all the time actually spent on the job performing assigned duties.
What is Technology equipment
Technology equipment (including cameras, laptops, and cellular phones) may be checked out from the Office Manager. Damaged, lost, and stolen equipment should be reported to the Office Manager immediately; The employee may be subject to a repair fee, replacement fee of the value of the item minus depreciation, or the exact replacement cost of the item.
What is Contributions
For contributions greater than $100, Belafonte TACOLCY Center, Inc. will issue an Acknowledgment of Receipt to the donor. The acknowledgment will include:
· The amount of cash and a description of any other property contributed; · A statement of goods or services Belafonte TACOLCY Center, Inc. provided in return for the contribution, and · A description and estimated value of the item provided, if Belafonte TACOLCY Center, Inc. provided tangibles in return for the contribution. |
What is Overtime (Non-Exempt Staff)
You must receive your supervisor’s prior authorization before you perform any overtime work.
What is You may not drive a Belafonte TACOLCY Center, Inc. car, rent a car for the Belafonte TACOLCY Center, Inc. business, or use your own car on the Belafonte TACOLCY Center, Inc. business if you have:
• more than 3 moving violations in the past 2 years
• more than 3 accidents in the past 2 years • more than 2 moving violations in the past year • more than 2 accidents in the past year |
What is Bids Required
Either written or oral bids will be obtained for procurement of furnishings, equipment, and supplies having a cost of greater than $500 but less than $750. The assigned staff member will secure oral bids and will document them via internal memorandum listing vendor, date, cost, and any other relevant facts.
What is Paydays
You will be paid on the 15th & end of each month, or the next business day following the 15th or end of the month should they fall on a weekend or holiday.
What is Personal usage
Using TACOLCY resources to access Internet needs to be approved by user’s supervisor and IT Department
What is Purchase Order
A Purchase Order is to be prepared for all purchases. It is to be initiated by the individual requesting the purchase, and should be approved by his/he immediate supervisor, who would have knowledge of the programmatic impact of this Purchase Order.
What is Compensatory Time (Exempt Staff)
Compensatory time for exempt staff is granted by the CEO. Compensatory time will not be paid for upon termination.
What is Prohibited usage
includes using TACOLCY’s information (email, phone number, address, etc.) for ordering (shopping) personal items or services (dating, gambling, etc.) on the Internet, playing games during work hours.
What is All Purchases
except professional services, utilities, equipment or property rentals and other similar recurring expenditures — should be obtained via a Purchase Order.
What is Administrative Pay Corrections
It is your responsibility to notify the Belafonte TACOLCY Center, Inc. in the event of an overpayment of wages as soon as you are aware of the discrepancy. If an overpayment is made, the Belafonte TACOLCY Center, Inc. may arrange for the immediate return of any overpayment or may elect to recover the overpayment at the next available pay period by reducing future wages accordingly.
What is Computer and Internet Usage
Computer usage is periodically monitored. Management reserves the right to examine Email, personal file directories, web access, and other information stored on TACOLCY’s computers or owned resources, at any time and without notice.
What is Completed Purchase Order
1. Name and address of vendor
2. Ship-to information (location) 3. Date the order was placed 4. Date the goods are to be delivered or service performed 5. Each item purchased should be listed separately, with description 6. Specific quantity and unit of measure 7. Unit price 8. Programmatic and funder allocation (for budgeting purposes) 9. Signature of President/CEO, approving supervisor, and Finance Specialist |