Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Vocabulary |
The Author and Main Character of "Brown Girl Dreaming"
Who is Jacqueline?
What do Jackie and her siblings call their grandfather according to "gunnar's children"?
Which adjective best describes how Jacqueline felt when she first arrived in New York City?
Eating lead paint
What made their little brother so sick?
bare, empty, lifeless
What is Barren?
Columbus, Ohio.
Where was Jacqueline Woodson born?
She cleans the houses of white families as a dayworker.
In "daywork" what is the job that Jacqueline’s grandmother must do in order to feed the family?
Bristol Street
Bristol Street On what street is the first apartment where Jacqueline and her family live in New York ?
Jump rope
What was Dell’s favorite thing to do outside?
to stick out from or through something
What is Protrude?
South Carolina.
Where were Jacqueline Woodson's ancestors living when they were slaves?
The fight for Civil Rights for African Americans.
According to "south carolina at war," what is the “war” going on in South Carolina?
What is another name for a johnny pump?
What was Jacqueline’s first book about?
to fall or descend from a height, usually very quickly
What is Cascade?
By bus.
How did Jacqueline Woodson's family travel from Ohio to South Carolina each winter when she was young?
The workers do not want to take orders from a black man, so they call him his first name rather than being respectful and addressing him as Mr. Irby.
The workers do not want to take orders from a black man, so they call him his first name rather than being respectful and addressing him as Mr. Irby. In "at the end of the day" why do the workers at the plant call Jacqueline’s grandfather Gunnar rather than Mr. Irby?
Why do people think that Roman might not be related to Jacqueline, Hope, and Odella?
How did they get to see their father before he died?
something that is attractive even though it is bad for you
What is Temptation?
He was in a car accident.
He was in a car accident. How did Jacqueline Woodson's Uncle Odell die?
Her siblings have all left; Aunt Kay is in the North, Uncle Robert is planning on moving to New York, and Uncle Odell is dead
In the poem "ohio behind us," why did Jacqueline’s mother consider leaving the South?
Why does the family move out of the apartment on Herzl street?
Funk Jacqueline’s mother forbid her to listen to songs including:
to free from someone else’s control or power
What is Emancipation?