Brothers | Brothers | Brothers | Brothers | Brothers |
Sam Stack
I got hit on by my second-grade teacher last year
Jackson Ribler
I got pimped out by Ayden Cohn and then got an UTI
Bradlee Goldberg
I have sucked a 5 inch penis before
Noah Finster
I Eat Indian flavored pizza once a day
Milo Sforza
I pissed on my roommate's head
Ayden Cohn
I've been on an episode of Cake Boss
Julian Cohen
I got Free Chik Fil A and a ride home from the father of a girl I had sex with thinking we were just friends hanging out
Axel Michaud
I smoke more darts than a lung cancer patient
Gabriel Press
I went to a chess tournament at Gold & Silver
Elliot Kroll
I fell asleep in the Hoge Shower from wanking for too long
Tyler Malin
Plan B is my Plan A
Sam Zelenka
I went to the hospital for slamming 3 16oz Red Bulls
Alex Golden
I cant squat for shit
Micah Hoernig
I am dating an identical twin and doesn't know which one he is having sex with
Mark David
I almost died for having a big heart
Brett Broudy
I had sex with Moncha, Jackson Ribler's dog
Jason Lonstein
I crawled and groaned like a bear after drinking 20 beers at Wade Boggs
Adam Bauer
I climb rocks every week
Henry Driesen
I can unhook a bra with 1 hand or my penis, penis preferred
Ricky Friedman
I once took 18 shits in one day
Seth Holzmen
I smoked geebs on the drillfield my freshmen year
Elliot Arking
I am dating a 17 year old
Daniel Lawrence
The first and last time I ever had sex, I laid on the bed like a starfish
Harris Edenbaum
I slur my words after one white claw
Yonny Rodriguez
I don't know my girlfriends last name