Brooke phrases | Brookes fandoms | A conversation with Brooke | Things Brooke has done | Brookes fictional men crushes |
What is Cool Beans
Brooke says this when she confirms or is okay with something.
What is Marvel
In this fandom, Brooke thinks everyone is hot
What is guess what happened in video production
what brooke will say as soon as school is brought up
What is being a walrus
what brooke did to cause her to bust her chin open
What is Tyrone from Backyardigans
who was Brookes first fictional crush
What is #Gaslight gatekeep girl boss
An affirmation brooke says to justify her actions
What is harry potter
brooke became obsessed with this fandom in the fifth grade
What is guess what happened in my book
what brooke will say when she burst through your door with tears in her eyes
What is thriller/ heads will roll head whip
what brooke did in fifth grade that everyone laughs at now
What is the robot or villain
The constant kind of character brooke constantly crushes on
What is if you ain't first your last
The phrase brooke uses when she finishes food and someone is mad at her
What is star wars
the fandom in which she only watched it for a dilf and glowing chopsticks
What is tell her you don't care or to fuck off
what you should do when brooke won't stop talking
What is cheat on read works
what brooke did the sixth grade that unallowed her to attend a sleepover
What is the Darkling or Nikkolai
The book characters from Shadow and Bone Brooke has a crush on
What is that's what she said
What brooke says when someone says something remotely inappropriate
What is crimson peak
the fandom pertains to a movie brooke never shuts up about
What is so I heard this theory
Brooke says this when you have a conversation with her about marvel
What is went into the boys' locker room
What brooke did that got her in trouble with a track coach
What is Henery stratus
the book character brooke first had a crush on, in a book other than harry potter
What is I hate Jeff Bezos
what brooke says whenever someone brings up amazon
What is Wes Anderson
this fandom pertains to a specific director, who brooke has only seen one movie from but loves him
What is cusses an abnormal amount
what brooke does often when ranting about something shes mad about
What is jokingly threaten my teacher via email
what brooke did in 9th grade that she could've gone to prison for
What is Loki, Druig, Vision, Bucky, Neville, and Shang Chi
The top five fictional men from movies brooke has a crush on right now