Vocabulary | Part 1: Beowulf | Part 2: Chaucer | Part 3: Knights and Chivalry | Stories We Read (MISC.) |
What is dauntless?
A word meaning "daring; not easily discouraged."
What is a kenning?
The king of epithets like "ring-giver" or "Almighty's candle."
What is prudent?
A word meaning "cautious; careful."
What is chivalry?
A code of conduct for knights with military, social, and religious aspects.
Who is Mordred?
The knight who, presumably, kills King Arthur in Le Morte D'Arthur.
What is copiously?
A word meaning "plentifully."
What is Old English?
This language: Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum.
Who is the Wife of Bath?
A deaf character.
Who is Blind King John?
The blind king who marched into the thick of the battle tied to all his best knights' horses.
Who is Wiglaf?
Beowulf's successor. Tower builder.
What is instigation?
A word meaning "the act of inciting or urging on."
What is Germanic?
The language family tree that English belongs to.
Who is the Pardoner?
The tale-teller who succeeds more in preaching a sermon rather than telling a tale.
What is elision?
Deleting a word for poetic reasons, especially meter.
What is (Classical) Epic Literature?
The kind of literature that shares and does not share elements with Beowulf, according to Tolkien.
What is blithe?
A word meaning "carefree; lighthearted."
What is wyrd?
The Anglo-Saxon concept of fate.
Who is Death?
The character who the young men in the Pardoner's Tale go off to kill.
What is a morality play?
A kind of literature from the Middle Ages which involved personification of vices and virtues.
What is The Autobiography of Margery Kempe?
The first autobiography written by a woman in English.
What is intrepid?
A word meaning "fearless; courageous."
What is it was buried?
What was done with the dragon's treasure at the conclusion of Beowulf.
Who is the Prioress.
The character who bore the phrase "Amor Vincit Omnia" on their clothing.
What is syntactical inversion?
Switching around the normal word order for poetic reasons.
The phrase on Arthur's tomb.