Videogames | Sports | TV Shows/Movies | Random Facts | Random Facts 2 |
What is an Atari
Brian's first video game console
Who are the Rangers?
Brian's favorite hockey team
What is 15
How old was Brian when the Simpsons came out
What is Blue
Brian's favorite color
What is 50
Brian is this many years old in 2022
What is StarWars Battlefront 2
Brian's favorite video game
What is baseball
Brian's favorite sport
What is StarWars
Brian's favorite movie/show franchise
What is a Financial Planner?
Brian's Job
What is 1972
This is the year Brian was born
What is Tennis
Brian's favorite Wii Sports game
Who are the Mets
Brian's favorite baseball team
Who is Luke Skywalker?
Brian's favorite StarWars character
What is economy?
Brian's college major
What is a 6 1/2 mens
Brian's shoe size
What is Donkey Kong?
Brians favorite Mario character
Who are the Nicks
Brian's favorite basketball team
Who is Dustin
Brian's favorite Stranger Things character
What is French
The language Brian took in high school
Who is Konstantina Haskopoulos
Brian's wife's full name (before marriage) (spelled correctly)
What is Playstation 2
Brian had 2 of this console
Who are the Giants?
Brian's favorite football team
What is 5
Brian was this many years old when the first StarWars came out
What is Grosvenor
Brian's childhood street
What is 21
Brian starred wearing glasses at this age