Ergomania | Is that a silent J? | Can you Carry this? | Complex Complexes | Why Am I Here? |
1000 m Ski
+ 3/4/5x Lunges ea
200 Points
Whole team runs 1 Lap
200 Points
Complete 50 Cal Ski
+ 10 Lengths SandBag Carry
200 Points
Per person:
10x Pushups 10x Air Squats 10x Lunges
200 Points
10x Burpees
200 Points
2000 m Row
+ 5/7/10x Pushups
400 Points
Whole Team Runs 2 Laps
+ Completes 10x Burpees upon return
400 Points
Complete 80 Cal Row
+15 Lengths Farm Carries
400 Points
Per Person:
15x DB Cleans 15x DB Squats 15x DB Lunges each leg
400 Points
50 Cal Bike
each person complete 15x Burpees during that time
400 Points
80 Cal Ski or Row
800 Points
One pair runs 2 laps
Other pair completes tandem bike (Min 40 Cals) Then Switch
800 Points
25 Lengths Sandbag Carry
800 Points
While Rowing or Skiing 50 cals
each person complete 80 Air Squats and 80 pushups
800 Points
Each person complete:
1 Lap Run 10x Kick Thrus each 10x Burpees
800 Points
5000 m Row
1200 Points
Team Completes 3 laps
+ 10x Air Squats in between each lap
1200 Points
Complete 100 Cal Ski
+ 30 Lengths Farm Carries
1200 Points
While Rowing 100 Cals
Every person complete 50x KB Swings and 30x Headcutters
1200 Points
3000 m Row or Ski
1200 Points
6000 m Ski
1600 Points
Whole team completes 6 Laps
1600 Points
50 Lengths Sandbag Carries
1600 Points
While Skiing 100 Cals
Every person complete 30x Hero Makers during ski
1600 Points
150 Cal Bike
1600 Points