Region | Animals | Climate | Rainforest | Culture |
What is North, South, Central West, Northeast, and Southeast
The five regions of Brazil
What is the cow
The livestock animal that is the most important export for Brazil
What type of climate does Brazil have?
What are the four layers of the Amazon Rainforest?
Floor, Understory, canopy, emergent
What is "aboriginal"?
Term meaning "ones who lived there first"
What is South America
The continent Brazil is a part of
What are the jaguar and the howler monkey?
Name Two species of rainforest animals
What are the characteristics of equatorial climate
Hot, rainy, near the equator.
What is the canopy level?
The "highway" of the rainforest which is home to the largest number of animals.
What are two reasons why aboriginal people live in Amazon rainforest.
It is traditional and they will not be bothered by the government.
What is a floodplain?
When the floor of a river valley is used for blocking water
What does the rainforest provide for animals?
The rainforest provides food such as small animals and fruits and a protected home for animals that live in trees.
What is the lungs of the planet?
The Amazon Rainforest is often referred to as this because of its size (large) and it produces 20% of earth's oxygen.
provides oxygen, home to fresh water, has many natural food sources.
3 reasons why rainforest is a global resource
What is the largest reason for deforestation
Cattle Ranching
What is deforestation?
The destruction of forests
Mining causes pollution, logging results in tree loss, cattle ranching results in land loss, oil extraction causes pollution, and cash crops result in land loss
5 reasons for deforestation and the negative effect that each one has on environment
Dead plants release carbon dioxide.
As more and more forest is cleared, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere will increase. Why?
What is a floodplain used for?
This blocking of water is used for mining (catching gold deposits) and farming (irrigation)
What are three types of trees in rainforest and their uses?
Cocoa tree is used for chocolate, rubber tree is used for rubber, and the tree trunks are used for lumber.