Cat like.... Now You See Me Movin' and Groovin' Get On My Level! Potpourri
What is the Spinal Galant Reflex
This primitive reflex assists in - and is stimulated by - the birthing process. Signs include fidgeting, poor postural, and bed wetting.
What is Visual Recognition?
Spelling will improve when students level up in this activity
What is Interactive Metronome?
This exercise is at the top of the developmental pyramid and is one of the last things to come together. Students may improve activities in the "arts"
What is Supine level 12
Upper body/neck on the ball, 60 sec bridge, feet together
What are Tactile Shakers?
Students will demonstrate an increased ability to tolerate clothing tags and having their nails trimmed if they level up with this during program
What is the Moro Reflex?
This reflex begins to develop 9 weeks in utero and should be integrated around 2-4 months of life. Signs of retention are motion sickness, poor coordination, and elevated sympathetic tone. May be physically timid and have a hypersensitivity to light, sound or environmental stimuli.
What is Saccades (Suh-Kawds)?
This activity aides in the coordination, speed, and accuracy of eye movements.
What is Fine Motor / Peg Board & Brachiation
These 2 exercises help students with fine motor activities such as tying their shoes and handwriting
What is Proprioception level 8
Rockerboard, one leg, 30 seconds, eyes open
What is the Frontal Lobe?
This part of the brain is the last to develop and is considered the "conductor". It helps to send signals to the correct locations and make sure that all parts of the brain are in proper communication; direct correlation to behavior and academics
What is the Asymetrical Tonic Neck Reflex?
This reflex begins to develop 18 weeks in utero and should be integrated around 6 months. Signs of retention are homolateral movements while walking and difficulty crossing midline.
What is Visual Focus?
When learning to drive, our students will be better able to tune out distractions and have greater situational awareness when they level up in this activity
What is Proprioception (One Leg Stand)?
This allows a person to gain a “reality check” and sense of body spacial awareness, helps develop emotions and boundaries, and is what several scholars refer to as your body's 6th sense.
What is Gait & Aerobic level 8
20 jumping jacks, 10 skaters
What is Tonic Labyrinth Reflex (TLR)?
This primitive reflex assists in the VOR motion
What is the Landau Reflex?
This reflex engages the extensor tone throughout the body and should be integrated by 3.5 years of life. Retention may present as stiff movements, poor muscle tone, and inability to synchronize upper and lower body movements.
What is Convergence?
Copying from the board and ability to take in the “big picture” improve as students level up in this activity
What is Post Rotary Nystagmus / Vestibular Rotations?
Awareness of your body in space during movement, improving ability to read facial expressions and our ability to sense and name our own emotions improves as students progress in this activity
What is Peg Board level 17
4 sets (pin, washer, collar, washer) made in 30 seconds.
What is the Parietal Lobe?
This is a part of the brain contains the primary sensory cortex that out tactile shakers directly target.
What is the Palmar and Rooting Reflex?
These TWO reflexes should both be integrated by 4 months of life and are linked by the Babkin response.
What is OPK?
This visual multi-tasker for the brain improves visual stamina for reading longer passages and executive functions
What are the semi-circular canals.
This structure in the vestibular system measures angular velocity of the head.
What is Brachiation level 12 (Female)
Female, 15 second flexed arm hang, 1 1/2 way across the monkey bars
What is VOR, PRNG, ATNR (lizards), TLR (cannonballs), Proprioception (one leg stand)
These 5 exercises help our students improve their proprioception. HINT: Most have already been mentioned.

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