Knots | First aid | Spirt | Camping | MISC |
What knot is better than the square knot at connecting two ropes together.
sheet bend
the first thing to do when you find someone injured
check your surroundings
Say your patrol chant
Where did we camp in December
Camp Miles
What year was scouting founded?
What knot is used for tying down a tent?
Taught line
what is the second thing to do in an incident
call 911
Give me one good turn you did today.
say something.
Who buys the food for a campout.
grub master
what is Teagan's rank
second class.
What knot is similar to the slip knot, and has two hitches in it.
two half hitch
When treating someone with a scrap what do you do?
clean the wound
What is the purpose of eating together
boost morale, and safety
Where are we camping this weekend
Who was our last eagle scout?
Jacob parent.
This lashing uses the timber hitch first.
diagonal lashing.
when something has intruded the skull, what is the bandage style called?
the donut
What is the patrol method
what is the first rank you need to go camping for.
What is our feeding pack?
most lashings start with this knot
clove hitch
Someone isn't breathing, after calling 911 what do you do.
name all ranks in order
scout, tenderfoot, second class, first-class, star, life, eagle.
Points of leave no trace.
Plan ahead, travel, dispose of waste properly, leave what you find, minimize fire campfires, respect wildlife, be considerate of others.
What is Andrew's middle name