Joseph Smith | Plates and translation | Who am I? | Random trivia | Books |
James 1:5
What was the scripture that Joseph read that inspired him to pray?
Who was the prophet who gave Joseph the plates
I was born of goodly parents and I was commanded to build a boat.
Word of god
Iron rod represents what
Before enos
Carthage jail
Where was Joseph martyred
How many pages were lost of the Book of Mormon
I suffered death byfire
Little seed
"Faith is like a...."
After jarom
Lucy Mack smith
Who was the prophets mother
Free bee
Free bee
Brother of Jared
Saw gods finger
What lead Lehi's family to the promise land. Round ball
3rd nephi
After helaman
Who are the three witnesses
Oliver cowered, David whitmer, Martin Harris
Martian Harris
Who is the man who asked Joseph if he could take some pages that had been translated to show his wife because she did not believe
I taught the people from a tower. I taught the principle of serving others
Nephi had a vision about the latter days. he saw a person discover the Americas. Who was it?
2nd to last book
What year did the first vision occur?
Hill cumorah
Where were the plates buried?
Stripling warriors
We joined the army under Helaman. We were not bounded by the same covanent as our fathers.
Fill in the blank. The Book of Mormon is the -------- of our religion.
words of mormon
Shortest book