All things Tesla | Do you know some Algebra? |
What is an electric car?
What kind of car does Tesla Manufacture?
What is 3?
Given x + 7 = 10, X stands for?
Who is Nikola Tesla
Tesla was named after this scientist?
What is 3?
Given 2x + 4 = 10
What is autonomous?
Tesla’s have the ability to drive on their own, this is the name of this capability that means the car car run fully bay itself.
What is 1?
Given y = 3, and 4x + 2y = 10,
What is a supercharger?
The place where Tesla’s can charge at a very fast paced is called this
What is 2?
Given x = 3, and 2xy=12
Who is Elon Musk?
This is the name of the CEO of Tesla