What are bloodborne pathogens?
Microorganisms that can be carried in human blood and body fluids and cause serious diseases
What is providing 1st Aid?
This part of a VA and ME's job puts them at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens
What is bandage any cuts or sores?
When you are about to perform 1st Aid and you have cuts on your hand, do this before putting on gloves
How do you dispose of hazardous waste?
Place it in a sealed, leak-proof red biohazard bag, then put the bag into the Biohazard Bin on the loading dock
What are gloves?
This personal protective equipment is required when providing 1st Aid or handling blood
What is aids?
A fragile virus that has no cure and is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus
Who are the Housekeepers?
They are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting blood-contaminated surfaces at the Museum
What are vomit, feces and urine?
Name 3 other potentially infectious bodily materials besides blood
What are the routes of entry for Bloodborne Pathogens?
Through breaks in the skin and through mucous membranes such as the eyes, nose and mouth
What is wash your hands?
Always do this after providing 1st Aid
What are Standard (or Universal) Precautions?
Treating all blood and OPIM as infectious, regardless of the source
Who is YOU?
This individual can best protect you from contracting a bloodborne disease
What do you do if you get blood on your clothes?
If this happens to you while you are providing 1st Aid, the Museum will arrange to have your item laundered. DO NOT take the item home
What is a bloody Band-Aid?
This 1st Aid item, a favorite among children, can be thrown into a trash can once it has been used (as long as you're wearing gloves)
What is immediately after they occur?
This is when you need to report exposure incidents
What is Hepatitis B?
This durable bloodborne virus may not make you sick until up to 6 months after exposure
Who is everyone?
You should treat this person's blood as if it infectuos
What is up to 14 days?
The amount of time the Hepatitis B can live in dried blood
What is the Hepatitis B vaccine?
This immunization is available to anyone with anticipated exposure to blood or OPIM
How are bloodborne diseases NOT spread?
Through food, water or casual contact
What is an exposure incident?
This occurs when blood comes into contact with a mucous membrane or a break in the skin
Who is the MOD or your supervisor?
You need to notify one of these two people if you feel you have been involved in an exposure incident
How do you handle a prop with blood on it?
Put it into a red biohazard bag and bring the bag to the MOD
What is "nowhere"?
The designated location at MCM for disposal of needles and sharps
What is wash your hands and properly dispose of hazardous waste?
Once you are done providing 1st Aid, it is what you do after calling Housekeeping and removing your gloves