Technical Orders Maintenance Information Systems Maintenance and Inspection System Condition Tags and Labels Maintenance and Equipment Forms
What is methods and procedures TOs
Are general in content and are not issued against specific systems or end items
What is IDMS
The Air Force primary, production- oriented, base level automated Mis.
What is a pre- flight inspection
A flight preparedness check done in accordance with the scheduled inspection and requirements manual.
What is DD form 1574
A tag used to indicate the equipment is in serviceable condition. (yellow)
What is a symbol.
Something established for use on maintenance documents to make important notations instantly apparent.
What is an Index TO
Provide a list of needed TOs and group TOs relating to specific equipment and show the status of all TOs.
What is a user ID
Will be used for maintenance documents, is required for someone to access the IMDS.
What is automated tracking and manual/forms
The two types within the maintenance system used to track maintenance data.
What is DD Form 1576
Tag used to indicate the equipment is in an unserviceable condition.(blue)
What is AFTO Form 781K
to document aerospace vehicle inspection, engine data, calendar inspection, and delayed discrepancies.
What is an Abbreviated TO
TOs that contain part from one or more basic TOs that provide organized and condensed instructions.
What is ALIS.
for the F-35, gives minters the ability to maintain plan and sustain its system over the life of the aircraft.
What is an Operational Check
This is a check on an item in its installed environment to ensure proper installation and operation.
What is DD Form 1575
Tag Used to indicate the equipment is in suspended condition. (brown)
What is a AFTO form 781A
To document each discrepancy discovered by aircrew or maintenance personnel.
What is Time Compliance TOs
Provide instructions for modifying systems or end items within a specified time limit, initiate special "one time" inspections.
What is IMIS
For the F-22, enables all scheduling functionality.
What is Product Quality Deficiency Reporting.
The primary tool for receiving feedback from material users on the state of systems and equipment issued through the supply system.
What is DD Form 1577
Tag Used to indicate the equipment is condemned.(red)
What is a informational note.
A symbol which does not affect safety or reliability of the aircraft and does not require a symbol or a job control number.
What is Operations and Maintenance TOs
TOs that cover installation, operation, troubleshooting , repairing, removing, calibration, servicing or handling of system and items.
What is a Maintenance Information Systems.
Refers to automated maintenance information systems including IMIS, ALIS, IMDS.
What is In Process Inspection
performed during the assembly, reassembly of a system, subsystem, or components.
What is DD Form 1577-2
Tag used to indicate the equipment is in repairable condition. (green)
What is AFTO Form 781H
to document maintenance status, servicing information and to provide a ready reference as to the status of the aircraft. only use block 6 data status.

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