Ultima | Tony | The Golden Carp | Brujas | Incidents |
Who is Ultima?
Ultima is one of the main character in the book Bless Me Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya.
What is Tony's full/real name?
His real name is Antonio.
What does the Golden Carp represent?
The Golden Carp represents wisdom, comfort, and guidance.
What incidences cause people to question Ultima's true nature?
During the scene when Tenorio and his mob accuse Ultima of witchcraft.
How does Tenorio’s daughter die?
Tenorio claims to have found Ultima's bag of herbs under his daughter's bed.
Who is the other protagonist in Bless Me Ultima?
What is Tony's first reaction towards Ultima?
Tony felt a spiritual with Ultima.
What is The Golden Carp?
The Golden Carp is a magical sort of being.
Who thinks Ultima is a bruja?
Lucus, Tenorio and his friends.
How do Antonio's families beliefs make him feel about things he feels?
The clash between Christianity and the beliefs of the golden carp.
How does Ultima feel about Tony?
She finds him as a nice person and someone who she can sort of relate to.
How does Tony feel about the owl?
He doesn't like it and finds out that its a symbol of protection and safety.
Why is the Golden Carp important for Antonio.
Golden Carp is very important because it helps him to develop a new faith and begin to question the restrictions of Catholicism.
What is the reason people believe Ultima's a bruja?
Because she is someone who uses herbs and old customs to heal someone else.
Why throughout the book do the characters have dreams?
Antonio's dreams are about his anxiety or obsession at the time.
In chapter ten what risk is Ultima taking in deciding to cure Lucas?
She risks being seen as a "witch".
What is the magical creature that Tony comes across?
The Golden Carp.
What does Ultima tell Tony about The Golden Carp?
Antonio asks Ultima about the golden carp and she just smiles and says she can't tell him what to believe.
Who do they believe cursed Lucas?
What conflicts in the book that lead to a change Antonio’s life?
The deaths of Lupito, Narciso, and Florence cause major problems for Antonio's life.
What is Ultima's pet she brings?
An owl.
How old is Tony?
He is six.
What does Tony believe when he first sees The Golden Carp?
Tony beleaves it is "truly a god."(Anaya).
What does Lucas see happening in the story before he gets cured?
"Witches" dancing.
Antonio faces many different challenges throughout the story, What sort of conflicts does Antonio face in his life because of his parents different backgrounds?
Antonio is born into a conflict between the two families of his mother and father.