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What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
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What were Maroon Communities?
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Why did the North and South Unite?
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What was Lord Dunmore's Proclamation?
Traditional story = collonists wanted freedom and liberty from England that's why they went to war.

Story we learned in this class: colonists were afraid that the British were going to make them abolish slavery - so they united to fight the British so that they could continue to enslave people.
What is the "traditional story" of what caused the American Revolution? What is the story that we learned in this class?
The American Colonists won the American Revolution
Who won the American Revolution?
A time when colonists through a bunch of British tea into the Boston Harbor - because they were mad that the British were forcing them to buy it and charging them really high taxes.
What was the Boston Tea Party?
If a person is a hypocrite, is someone that says one thing but does another.
What does it mean if someone is a hypocrite?
Laws passed by the British Government to punish the Colonists for all of the tea that they threw into the Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party.
What were the intolerable acts?
Because the British promised them freedom after the war.
Why did more Black people fight on the side of the British than on the side of the American Colonists?
In North America - on the land that is now the United States. Land that belongs to indigenous people.
Where was the American Revolution fought?
It was a "street fight" between the British and the American Colonists
What was the Boston Massacre?
Unfortunately, the majority of Black people that fought in the American Revolution on the side of the British were re-enslaved in the Caribbean .
What happened to the majority of Black people that had fought in the American Revolution on the side of the British at the end of the American Revolution?
Captain Tye was a Black man who joined the British Army. He escaped from slavery. He was a very important and famous leader in the British Army.
Who was Captain Tye?
The British, colonists, Thomas Jefferson etc.
Of the people / groups of people that we have learned about in the past two weeks, who would you consider to be a hypocrite?
taxation, no representation, having to let soldiers live in their houses
What was at least one reason that the colonists were mad at the British?
It represented the idea that all of the colonies needed to join together and fight the British if they wanted to survive / be safe.
What did the "Join or die" picture of the snake represent?
A martyr is someone who someone who scarifies themselves for a cause.
What does it mean to me a martyr?
Benjamin Banneker was born in 1731. He was born to White mother and Black father. He grew up in a free Black community in Baltimore. He built one of the first clocks ever built in America.
Who was Benjamin Banneker?
student's opinion
Who do you think is a modern day martyr?
There were enslaved Africans in both the Northern and Southern colonies.
Were there enslaved Africans in the northern AND southern colonies OR just in the southern colonies?
colonists and British
What were the two sides in the American Revolution?
No. Some Black people who lived in America at the time of the American Revolution were enslaved. However, others were free and worked a variety of different jobs i.e. seamstress, seamen, farmer, poet, etc.
Were all Black people who were in America during the time of the American Revolution enslaved?
Elizabeth Freeman was born into Slavery. She won her freedom after the Revolutionary War. She worked for many years as a very well respected nurse. She died in 1829, a free woman. One of her great-grandchildren was W.E.B DuBois.
Who was Elizabeth Freeman?
see slide / students opinion
What happened to the Black people that were sent to Nova Scotia after the War? Do you think that the Black people that were sent to Nova Scotia after the Revolutionary War were really free?

Black People During the American Revolution

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