Fun Facts Black Holes What's in Black holes EM Waves in space Important Information
a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.
What's a black hole?
The only way we know how to form a black hole is through the collapse of a supermassive star, so no big chances.
What are the chances of a black hole forming near enough to the Earth for us to be affected by it?
If you fell into one, you’d be ripped apart, fried or trapped forever. Possibly all three.
What happens to all the stuff that get's sucked into the black hole?
They all travel the same speed.
What speed do EM Waves travel at?
Gravity wins out over the internal pressure of the star, because that pressure was produced by a normal, hot gas, and that gas is losing energy as the star radiates energy from the surface.
Why do some stars end up as black holes?
Do all black holes spin?
Over the lifetime of the solar system (10 billion years or so) there is virtually no chance that we will encounter a black hole.
What are the chances that Earth will one day encounter a big black hole?
It depends on how much mass the black hole had. If the black hole had the mass of our Sun, it would take a long time, around a hundred million years. For a really big black hole, with a hundred million times the mass of our Sun.
If we had some rope the length or ten light years how long would it take a black hole to completely suck the rope in?
Although we cannot see black holes, we can detect or guess the presence of one by measuring its effects on objects around it. The following effects may be used
How Do We Detect Black Holes
Well, in a certain sense it is not changed at all.
How is time changed in a black hole?
Do black holes have color?
It would pass straight through the Earth, possibly wreaking a little havoc
A miniature black holes traveling through space might come in contact with the Earth. If this happened what would result?
A black hole can't suck itself in, but it can suck in other black holes.
Has there been a case where a black hole has sucked it self in? And is there a possible way that could happen?
Electromagnetic waves are waves which can travel through the vacuum of outer space.
.What are EM waves
E=mc^2 is always true. In the case of a black hole, for instance, there has been some speculation that black holes can, through a quantum mechanical trick, radiate energy, and in the process their mass would therefore decrease.
Does the E=mc^2 equation apply to a black hole?
Albert Einstien
Who was the founder of black holes?
Can the entire universe be a black hole?
Any matter that disappears across the event horizon of a black hole makes the hole more massive and larger.
Where does the matter go when its sucked in a black hole?
Can EM waves travel through black holes?
This effect has been measured for light from a star as it passed the Sun during a solar eclipse. This bending of the light rays increases as the strength of the gravitational field increases. A black hole is simply a region where the effect on light is so
If nothing travels at the speed of light, except light, how can a black hole also pull light into itself?
Can scientists see black holes?
Most black holes form when a large star dies in a supernova explosion
What forms a black hole?
If two black holes orbit each other then they can gradually spiral closer and closer until they merge.
What would happen if two black holes or neutron stars become close together?
Well, the information doesn't have to escape from inside the horizon, because it is not inside. The information is on the horizon.
How does gravity escape a black hole?
Not directly. Nothing, not even light can escape from a black hole.
Can you see a black hole? What does a black hole look like?

Black Holes

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