Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. | W.E.B. Du Bois | Maynard Jackson | Andrew Young | John Lewis |
"I Have a Dream"
What was the name of the speech MLK gave at the March on Washington?"
activist, historian, author, etc.
What was Du Bois's Job?
True or False: Jackson was the first African-American to serve as Mayor
Is Andrew Young still alive?
Has John Lewis wrote any books?
The 3rd Monday of January
What day of the week is the MLK holiday?
True or False: Did Du Bois have a PhD
Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport
What was Atlanta's main airport re-named after Jackson died?
American Politician, diplomat, and activist, executive director of the SCLC
What was Andrew Young known for?
Democratic Party
Which political party did John Lewis associate with?
What year was MLK assassinated?
New York
Where did Du Bois create the NAACP
When was Jackson elected Mayor?
In what year was Andrew Young born?
Chairman of the SNCC from 1963 to 1966
What was John Lewis' position in the SNCC?
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
What group did MLK create to help stop Segregation?
What association did Du Bois help create?
the Democratic party
What party was Jackson part of?
Dillard University · Howard University · University of Connecticut School of Law · Hartford International University for Religion and Peace
Name one of three Colleges attended by Andrew Young?
In what year did John Lewis die?
How many kids did MLK have?
Harvard University
What college did Du Bois go to?
3 terms
How much terms did Maynard Jackson serve as Mayor?
In what year did Andrew Young begin his first term in The House of Representatives?
Lillian Miles
What was John Lewis' wife's name?