Flowers | Pollination | Seeds | Plant Life Cycle | Classifying Plants |
What is reproduce?
In order to survive, all living things must ________.
What is pollination?
The process where pollen is transferred from the stamen to the pisitl.
What is the seed coat?
The outside of the seed that protects the stored food and developing plant.
What is a seedling?
Name of a young plant.
What is a botanist?
A scientist who studies plants.
What is pollen?
Dustlike grains needed for the plant to reproduce but are miserable for allergies.
What is a seed?
The first stage of growth in a flowering plant.
What is the stored food?
Part of the seed needed for it to grow and survive?
What is germinate?
Definition means to sprout.
What is conifers?
Plants that produce their seeds in cones.
What is the pistil?
This part of the flower receives the pollen.
The insects collects the nectar. As they move from flower to flower, they transfer pollen when it brushes up on one flower and comes off on another flower.
How insects pollinate flowers.
What is the developing plant?
Part of the seed that becomes the new plant.
What is water, air and proper temperature?
3 conditions seeds need to germinate.
What is a spore?
Smaller than a seed without any stored food.
What is the the stamen?
The part of the flower that produces pollen.
What is the flower's color and odor?
2 ways an insect is attracted to a flower.
What is the fruit?
The part of the flower that contains the seeds.
What is runners, bulbs, tubers or cuttings.
2 ways, other than seeds, that flowering plants can use to reproduce.
What is classifying?
What is grouping things with similar characteristics?
What is a flower?
Part of the plant that makes the seeds.
What is self-pollination, wind, and insects & animals.
Name 3 ways that a flower can pollinate.
What are wind, water and animals or people.
3 ways seeds can be dispersed.
What is (1) a seed germinates, (2) a seedling grows, (3) flowers grow & plant becomes an adult, (4) an insect pollinates the plant, (5) the plant produces fruit, (6) the seeds disperse.
The 6 stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant.
What is tubes or no tubes, seeds or spores, flowers or cones?
3 ways plants are classified.