Know Your Team | Clear Channel Outdoor | Advertising 101 | Policies & Releases | BONUS |
Who is Ian?
This team member was formerly a chemist
What is Foster & Kleiser?
This was the original name of CCO
What is the Outdoor Advertising Association of America?
This Group has the acronym of OAAA
What is every 2 weeks?
The frequency with which we have a tech release/sprint (normally)
What is Los Angeles and Miami?
CCO’s 2 markets with the most ticket submissions
Who is Jonathan?
This team member joined the CCO team in 2015
What is 1901?
The year Foster & Kleiser was founded
What is OBIE Award?
An annual award that recognizes creative excellence in Out of Home
What is Contract Capture?
This process requires all Orders to have a CCO-generated contract
Who are Luke and KT?
These 2 team members have fostered seeing eye dogs
Who is Luca?
This team member once played piano in a concert hall
Who are Lamar, Outfront & JCDecaux?
These are CCO’s top 3 competitors
What is Bleed?
Printed material that extends beyond the edge of a panel frame
What is Gifts, Entertainment & Travel?
The meaning for the acronym “GET”
What is Grande Flat White with 2 stevias and coconut milk?
Rem’s coffee order at Starbucks
What is J?
The letter of the Myers Briggs test most common on our team
What is Winning Throughout?
The name of the CCO Quarterly newsletter
What is recyclable/biodegradable/lightweight/durable? (any one counts)
One benefit of polyethylene (PE) posters
What is Revision Drafting?
The ability to create an order line for a start date in the past and the ability to select the order line and include it in a contract (only when inventory is booked)
What is 450,000?
The number of displays CCO has internationally
Who is Dion and KT? (Bonus 100 points if you know the day)
These two team members share a birthday
What are RADARProof, RADARConnect, RADARSync, & RADARView?
The four branches of RADAR
What is Reach?
The number of people that will potentially be exposed to an aspect of your marketing campaign at least once in a set period of time.
What is One Order, One Contract?
The policy that states that a single sales contract needs to represent every sales order
What is 31? (Bonus 100 points if you can name the team member who has been to the same number of countries)
The number of countries CCO has displays in