Don't hold me down | Winner winner! | De-Rog Guilty | Prove it | You complete me |
What is HD/RN
Resubmit as a new customer.
What is AP/EU
Approved for an upgrade
What is YES
Verizon Custom Score (D&B): 0
What is tax ID
What is rain
Whatever you do, don't put the blame on you. blame it on the
What is HD/BD
Send proof of business and address
What is AP/EX
Approved for add a line
What is YES
DBT (SBX/Experian): 77
What is POB and POA
Business license
What is control
I got chills, they're multiplyin; and I'm losin
What is HD/PD
Resolve Past Due Bill then Contact Porting, Activation & Credit 888-866-6924.
What is AP/MR
Manually Approved
What is No....but he may have other things to discuss
Customer is wanted by the FBI
What is POB, POA, proof of Tax ID
Schedule C
What is better
Hey Jude, don't make it bad, take a sad song, and make it
What is HD/F1
Call 888-483-7200, application needs validation.
What is AP/PC
Approved as previous customer
What is No...and who buys gift cards with expiration dates? Rude
Customer uses expired gift cards
What is POB and POA
Articles of Organization
What is maybe
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me
What is HD/DF
Contact Porting, Activation & Credit. Info differs from previous app.
What is AP/AD
Analyst decision
What is Yes
Paydex Firm (D&B): 3
What is POB, POA, proof of Tax ID
Schedule F
What is highway
Hold me closer tiny dancer, count the headlights on the