Book of Mormon | The Bible | The restoration | Modern Day facts of prophets and apostles | Teachings of prophets and apostles |
What is 1st Nephi
The first book in the Book of Mormon
What are testaments
The Bible is divided into two sections called
Who is Joseph Smith
In answer to his prayer he saw God the Father and His son Jesus Christ in a grove of trees
Who is Russell M. Nelson
Current prophet of the church who encourages us to gather Israel
Who is Dale G. Renlund
He taught " God cares a lot more about who we are and who we are becoming than who we once were‘
Who is Abinadi
This prophet was put to death by fire by the wicked king Noah
What is his hair was cut
The way Samson lost his great strength
Who is Moroni
Joseph Smith saw this angel that among other things showed him where the Golden plates were buried
Who is elder Uchtdorf
This apostle frequently shares stories of airplanes in General Conference and was a pilot
Who is Dieter F Uchtdorf
He taught " When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, wanting to cause harm... Stop it!"
What is the Liahona
This instrument worked like a compass, but only if the people were righteous
What is a Dove
The animal Nosh used to find dry land
Who is Elijah
This prophet appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey in the Kirkland temple and restored the sealing keys of the priesthood
Who is David A Bednar
He once played quarterback for his high school football tean
Who is Jeffery R. Holland
He taught " Keep loving. Keep trying. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep Growing. Heaven is cheering you on today, tomorrow and forever."
Who is King Benjamin
This king is best known for his speech in which he taught “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God”
What is a tax collector
The occupation of a man who climbed a tree to see Jesus
What is 40
The number of years to complete the Salt Lake temple
Who is Henry B. Erying
His father was a world famous Physicist
Who is Russell M. Nelson
He taught " As you choose to live on the Lord's side, you are never alone."
What is the number 4
The number of Nephis in the Book of Mormon
Who is John
The author of the book of Revelation
Who is John Taylor
This prophet was with Joseph Smith when he was martyred and attributed his survival to his pocket watch which stopped a bullet from entering his heart
Who is Dale G Renlund
He mover to Sweeden when he was a teenager
Who is Ronald A. Rasband
He taught " Questions are an indication of a further desire to learn, to add to those truths already in place in our testimonies."