Cloning |
What is artificial twinning?
In artificial embryo twinning, a very early embryo is separated into individual cells in a Petri dish in a laboratory. Each cell is allowed to divide and develop on its own and then implanted into a surrogate mother. It is a form of sexual reproduction.
What is natural cloning?
esults in identical twins when the cells in a developing zygote become separated after the two-cell stage
What is somatic cell nuclear transfer?
Creates a clone from an adult organism. DNA from a somatic cell taken from the adult is injected into an unfertilized, enucleated egg and then implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother. It is a form of asexual reproduction.
How to clone mouse?
Start with 2.... embroiled develops..
What is cumucus cell, somatic cell, nureunal cell?
Nourish and surround egg cell, semituniferous tubules, found in nervous system