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When is October 10, 1988
Michael's Date of Birth
What is English Labrador
Tuna is this breed of doggy
What is Bumble
How Michael and Elizabeth met
what is blue or green
Michael's favorite color
What is the Good Nite
Todd KJs at this groovy bar
What is Notre Dame High School
This is where Michael went to High School
what is gecko
The type of lizard that Michael used to own
What is 9 years
The age difference between Michael and Elizabeth
What is Laurel Hall School
Michael went to this K-8 school
Who are the Packers
Lee rides or dies for this NFL team
Where is Lake Nacimiento
The place in the central coast that Michael loves the most
Who is Jessie
The name of Michael's childhood dog
When is March
The month of their upcoming wedding
What is Belize
Michael's favorite travel destination
What is Rosehill Farm
The name of Joanna's farm
What is Americone Dream
Michael's favorite flavor of Ben and Jerry's
What is Utah
The state where Tuna was born
What is Idle Hour
The name of the barrel-shaped North Hollywood bar where they met
Who is Harrison
Michael is an uncle to this Oklahoma baby
What is ABC Signature
Dita just got a job at this company where Michael also works
What is Director of Production Finance
This is the title of Michael's job
Who was Christmassy
Michael's childhood pet rat with a holiday-themed name
What is on a hike-Wildwood Canyon Trail
How Michael proposed
Who is Stanley Kubrick
Michael's favorite Filmmaker
What is Missouri
Jeremy is from this state