Magic | Terraria | Minecraft grabbag | Movies | Crazy hard questions |
What is the newest Sarkhan?
Sarkhan dragonspeaker
Name the best magic weapon from the frost moon?
Blizzard staff
What is the best weapon in the game?
Enchanted diamond sword
What is the movie where people try to escape an island filled with dinosaurs?
Jurassic Park
What is the capital of Estonia?
What is the new set that is coming out?
Fate Reforged
What is the chance that a mob will drop a key mold?
1 in 4000
What is the animal in the Minecraft what does the fox say parody?
What is the name of main character of the movie Man of Steel?
What is sam.c's shoe size?
What is Sam's favorite fetch land?
Misty Rainforest
What is the magic weapon that they changed in the new update?
Magical harp
What is the mod that has pasta and creepiness ?
Creepypasta mod
What is the name of the main character in the Twilight Saga?
Bella Swan
How do you say peace in Hungarian?
What is the Mox that is in Scars of Mirrodin ?
Mox Opal
What is the strongest armor in the game?
Beetle armor
Who is the creator of Minecraft?
What is the name of the movies that were filmed in Costa Rica?
Jurassic park
What is the name of the famous Christmas tree in NYC?
Rockefeller tree
Name when Magic started?
What is the third hardest boss in the game?
Ice queen
What is the level that you find diamonds at?
What is the name of the movie Petra's dad wrote?
Owls of Ga' hoole
What is the population of Kentucky
4.2 mil