colores | bullfighting | clothing | greetings | mexican independece day |
What is rosa
rojo y blanco
what is vara
what is the item that the bullfighters stab the bull with?
what is hat
what is welcome
what is september 16th
when did mexico get its independence from spain
What is gris
negro y blanco
what is matador
what is the bullfighters name
what is necklace
what is hi there
who was the catholic priest hidalgo
who was one of the important people that planned for a revolt against the spanish colonial government
What is amarillo
blanco y anaranjado
what is 50,000
how many spectators can the plaza de toros hold
what is undershirt
what is whats up
mucho gusto
who was ignacio allende and mariano abasolo
who carried out the plan with a bunch of armed men
What is azul
verde y amarillo
what is 280 bullrings
how many bullrings does mexico city have today
what is cowboys
what is very well
muy bien
mexican independece day
what does grito de dolores stand for
What is verde
azul y amarillo
what is the plaza de toros in mexico city
what is the largest bullring in the world
what is tie
what is excelent
what is them taking a number of men to the sheriff and make him release the pro-independence inmates.
what was ignacio and marinos plan for an attack