opposite integers/absolute value | The addition of absolute value | Absolute value of division | The absolute value of multiplication | The absolute value of subtraction |
What is 4
The absolute value of -4
What is 25
The absolute value of 12 + 13
What is 3
The absolute value of 9 divided by 3
What is 35
What is the absolute value of 6 x 5
What is 3
The absolute value of 7-4
What is 6
The absolute value of -6
What is 14
The absolute value of 4 + 10
What is -4
The absolute value of -8 divided by -4
What is 45
What is the absolute value of 9 x 5
What is 5
The absolute value of 9-4
What is 8
The absolute value of -8
What is -1
The absolute value of -6 + -7
What is -5
The absolute value of -10 divided by -2
What is 28
What is the absolute value of 7 x 4
What is 1
The absolute value of -4 - -5
What is 7
The absolute value of -7
What is -6
The absolute value of -3 + -9
What is -2
The absolute value of -6 divided by -3
What is 24
What is the absolute value of 6 x 4
What is -1
The absolute value of -2 - -3
What is 5
The absolute value of -5
What is -2
The absolute value of -9 + -7
What is 6
The absolute value of 12 divided by 2
What is 70
What is the absolute value of 7 x 10
What is -5
The absolute value of -9 - -4