STEM | Careers | Anatomy | Implants |
What are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math?
These 4 subjects are represented by the acronym "STEM."
What are: ask those already in it, research it online, volunteer/intern in the field, emphasize your strengths, makes you happy?
3 methods of how best to choose your career
What is 206?
Number of bones in the human body
What are Titanium, Cobalt Chrome, Polyethylene?
Materials used for joint replacements
What is False?
True or False: More women have STEM careers than men.
What is "it depends?"
True or False: STEM careers are the best ones to choose
What is a hinge joint?
The knee is this type of joint
What is knee replacement? By a margin of 2:1
Of hip or knee replacements, the one performed more often
What is global?
This is where the STEM initiative is taking place: CT only, US-only, Globally
What is any age? Some choose early, some later; and mid-life career changes are common.
This is the ideal age for you to choose your career
What is a ball and socket joint?
The hip is this type of joint
What is the femur?
The bone common to both knee and hip replacement surgery
What are
These are 2 examples of STEM-related badges Girl Scouts can earn.
Who are Taylor Swift, Hillary Clinton, Mariah Carey, Sandra Day O'Connor, Sally Ride, Michelle Obama, Venus Williams, Queen Elizabeth II
Three famous women who were once Girl Scouts
What are ligaments, tendons, cartilage?
A. These tissues connect bones
B. These tissues connect muscle to bone C. This tissue acts as a shock absorber for bones |
What are hormonal differences, child-bearing, pelvic anatomy?
One reason women tend to be more prone to arthritis