Biology Numbers | Transcription/Translation | Animals | Bacteria or Fungi? | Scientists |
What is eight.
This is the number of appendages an octopus has.
What is mRNA.
This is the product of transcription.
What is 18 inches.
The giraffe's tongue is this long.
What are bacteria.
These are commonly found in yogurt.
Who is Luis Pasteur.
This person invented the process of pasteurization.
What is 23.
This is the number of chromosomes in a human sperm cell.
What is in the post-transcriptional stage.
This is when a poly-A tail added to mRNA.
What is a mouse.
This is the common name of the model organism, Mus musculus.
What is bacteria.
The gram positive version of these can be stained with crystal violet.
Who is Darwin.
This person took a voyage on the Beagle.
What is trillions.
This is the order of the quantity of human cells in the body. (Tens, hundreds, thousands, etc)
What is topoisomerase.
This enzyme relieves tension from replicating DNA.
What is the naked mole rat.
This mammal is impervious to cancer.
What is fungi (yeast).
This is commonly used to ferment beer.
Who is Koch.
This person developed the postulates to determine bacterial causes of disease.
What is 4 billion years old.
The Earth is this many years old.
What is AUG.
This is the start codon for translation.
What is the jellyfish.
This category of animals has a species that is thought to be eternal.
What is a fungal.
Immunosuppressed patients often develop this ____ infection, called thrush.
Who is Dr. Izzo.
This faculty member received their PhD at UC Berkley.
The Earth is this many years old.What is roughly 195,000 years old.
Homo sapiens are this many years old.
What is the Shine Delgarno sequence.
This sequence can be found in bacterial mRNA?
What are monotremes.
The platypus is one of five extant species of these.
Who is Aonton von Leeuwenhoek.
This is likely the first person to see bacteria or fungi.
Who is Niko Tinbergen.
This person developed the four levels of animal behavior analysis.