Cells Cell Division DNA and Protein Synthesis Biochemistry Homeostasis
What are Eukaryotic cells?
This contains DNA that is organized into a double helix. It is also contained in the nucleus
What is Interphase?
This phase is where cell spend the majority of the cell cycle.
What are chromosomes?
This is a structure in the nucleus of a cell that consists of a long molecule of DNA that is condensed and tightly coiled around associated proteins.
What are Carbohydrates?
The molecule is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (C-H-O)
What is Passive Transport?
This is the process which molecules move across a cell membrane but do not require energy from the cells
What are organelles?
Specialized structures within a cell that carries out essential functions of life
What is Prophase?
In this phase, chromosomes condense and are more visible. The nuclear membrane disappears.
What is a gene?
This is specific location on a chromosome consisting a segment of DNA that codes for a particular protein or RNA molecule that has a function in an organism.
What are Lipids?
This organic molecule has a structure of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen that often bond t form fatty acids and glycerols.
What is Osmosis?
This is diffusion of water through selectively permeable membrane form and area of greater concentration of water to and area of lesser concentration of water
What is the Endoplasmic reticulum?
This is a complex, extensive network that transports materials throughout the cell
What is a benign tumor?
This type of tumor is a mass of abnormal cell that remain at the original state. The are harmless
What is DNA?
This is considers the "code of life" because it contains the instructions for building each protein that an organism needs.
What are Proteins?
These organic molecules are composed of chains of amino acids.
What is Diffusion?
This is the spreading out of molecules across a cell membrane until they are equally concentrated.
What are plant cells?
The cell wall, the central vacuole and chloroplasts are found only this this type of cell
What are stem cells?
These are undifferentiated cells. They are unspecialized cells capable of renewing themselves by cell division
What are the Nitrogen bases?
Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine.
A,T,C and G
What are Nucleic Acids?
The organic molecules care and transmit genetic information
What is Facilitated Transport
This is the process in which some molecules that are not able to pass directly through a cell membrane are able to enter a cell wall with the aid of transport proteins
What are Fungal cells?
This type of cell has a cell wall made of chitin and other polymers instead of cellulose. They have several nuclei.They can not make their own food via photosynthesis.
What is Telophase?
In this phase of cell division, a nuclear envelop forms around the chromosomes at each poll of the cell. Cytokinesis begins.
What is Transcription?
This process in which a portion of the molecule of DNA is copied int a complementary strand of mRNA.
What are Enzymes?
These proteins serve as catalysts (they speed up reactions) in living organisms
What is homeostasis?
This is the need for an organism to maintain a constant or stable internal conditions.

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