Experimental Design | The Scientific Method | 9 Characteristics of Life | Graphing | Potpourri |
What is quantitative
This type of data is collecting using counting and precise measurements
What is the experiment
This is the test of a hypothesis
What are hormones
These are chemicals in an organism that act as signals for something to occur
What is the independent
This variable can be manipulated
What is evolution
Change in species over time due to environmental change
What is the controls
This describes all the conditions that you keep the same during an experiment
What is communication
This step may include publishing a journal article or speaking at a forum
What is Homeostasis
Maintaining a stable internal environment
What is the independent
This variable is the measureable variable
sexual and asexual
Name the two types of reproduction
What is qualitative data
An example of this type of data would be
"Her shirt if soft" |
What is the problem
This is an investigation question
What is stimuli
Signals to which an organism responds
What is the y
Which axis does the dependent variable go on
What is the cell
What is the smallest unit of life?
What are inferences
These are conclusions based off of evidence and prior knowledge
What is Observation
In which step do you collect, organize, and analyze data
What is mitosis
This is the process by which cells divide
What is over easy
How does Ms. Gillette like her eggs
What is genetic code
The instructions for development and reproduction
What is a measurement
gathering data using an instrument or tool
What is
Problem, Hypothesis, Experiment, Observations, Conclusion, Communication
List all steps to the scientific method in order
What is
cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
List the organization of life starting with the cell
What is
Set up a graph with the correct labels for:
Number of tadpole per days |
What is
1. It can not reproduce 2. Id does not grow and develope
Why is a virus considered not living
(2 reasons) |