Fantastic Books | Stephen King | Gatsby | Lourie Halse Anderson | Vocab |
What is Ahab
What was the name of the captain in Moby Dick?
What is Church
What is the cat called in "Pet Semetary"?
What is Jordan Baker
Whom does Nick meet when he visits Daisy for the first time?
What is 13
How many different clans did Melinda say were at Merrywearher High School
What is Corrugated
Covered with grooves or ridges
What is 221B, Baker Street
Where did Sherlock Holmes live?
What is Plymouth Fury
What type of car is Christine?
What is Rose
What flower does Daisy compare Nick to?
What is Biology
What was Melinda's first class of the new school year?
What is Dogmatic
stubbornly certain in a belief
What is Mary Ann Evans
George Eliot was the pseudonym for which writer?
What is Mr.Jingles
What name does Delacroix give the mouse in "Green Mile"?
What is Myrtle
Whose nose did Tom Buchanan break?
What is Andy
What's the boy's name that Melinda referred to as "it"
What is Enervate
Drain of energy
What is George Eliot
Who wrote Middlemarch?
What is Saint Benard
What bread of dog is Cujo?
What is Rolls Royce
What car of Gatsby's became omnibus every weekend?
What is Rachel
Who was the first person Melinda spoke to about the assault?
What is Altruistic
Concern for others
What is Ministry of Truth
What government department did lead character in Orwell's 1984 work for?
What is rat
Pennywise, from the novel "It", NEVER appears as a what?
What is Third
What division were Jay and Nick with during World War I?
What is Lax Team
Who found Melinda holding a piece of glass to "it" after he tried to assault her again?
What is Furtive
Secretive stealthy