Best of Bidencord | Roles of Bidencord | Leaving Bidencord | Presidency and People | Bidencord Blitz |
What is Rep Boebert (Warbot)?
This bot, created by a member of Bidencord (I do believe), is responsible for hosting polls.
What is 'Biden Boss'?
The 'Brandon Boss' role was formerly known as this.
Who is Froge?
This user left Bidencord in the month of January 2022, notable for their love of housing policy.
Who is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr?
The server Bidencord is named after this United States president.
What is react with the 'this tbh' emote?
If the word 'beene' is mentioned, the Dyno bot will do this.
What is Joseph Biden becoming president-elect of the United States of America.
This message has the most stars of any message in Bidencord, with a total of 43 stars, and it announces this.
Who is (Froge, Doomguy, Justinn)?
Name a user that has had a role created for them.
Who is Yab?
This user left Bidencord in the month of August 2021, this former Biden Boss is widely praised.
Who is Richard Milhous Nixon?
This president enacted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Who is Donald J. Trump?
Members of Bidencord often ironically portray themselves as a supporter of this American president.
What is "Sir, for the last time, you are not 'based and redpilled' -- you are on the no-fly list"
This meme has earned a spot in #best-of-biden a number of times, infamous for being starred in #malarkey.
What is have a negative outlook on critical issues?
Having the 'Doomer' role means that you-.
Who is Rajan?
This user left Bidencord in the month of January 2022 against their will, who before leaving had some 'interesting takes'.
What is the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021?
Passed in congress and signed by President Joseph Biden, this COVID-19 relief act is named-
Who is Max (I-NY)?
This user won the Bidencord Bracket in January 2021.
Who is Max (I-NY)?
This user has accrued the most stars of any user in all of Bidencord.
What is migrated to Bidencord from Bidencord (progcord) on August 18, 2020.
The 'I survived 8/18/2020' role means that you-.
Who is progess18?
Occuring in August of 2020, many users left Bidencord, a server operated by this man.
Who is Ted Cruz, 2016?
One of two Texan senators, this person was a candidate in the Republican presidential primary of what year. (Name the Senator and the Year)
Who is Draconic?
This user is largely responsible for the creation of the 'Schumer Sentry' role.
Who are Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock?
This message in #Announcements has over twenty-five stars, and it is an announcement introducing a link to donate to which two politicians?
What is #pee-butt-chat?
Having the Pee Butt role gives you access to what channel?
Who is Beene?
This user left Bidencord in July of 2021, leaving behind a proud legacy commonly featuring his own emoji and the 'this tbh' emoji.
What is Grover?
As the only president to ever serve two nonconsecutive terms, Grover Cleveland leaves behind a vast legacy. What is Grover Cleveland's middle name?
Who is Kamikazee?
This member of Bidencord has impersonated other member Rose_JS for quite some time.