Parables of Jesus Aphorisms of Jesus Proverbial Sayings Wisdom of James Paul's Wisdom
What is on sand.
In the parable of "The Wise and Foolish Builders," Jesus compares those who listen to his teachings and those who don't. He says those who disregard his teachings are like men who have built their houses on what?
What is the Way, Truth, and Life?
I am the ____, the ____, and the ___. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Who is Solomon?
Which wise man wrote the majority of Proverbs?
Who are teachers?
The book of James talks about the wisdom of taming the tongue. This practice is especially important to individuals in authority, James says. This is why people of which profession will be judged more strictly?
What is the world?
When Paul writes to the church in Corinth, he says that "God had made foolish the wisdom of"...what?
What is one sinner who repents.
According to the parable, "The Lost Sheep & The Lost Coin," what receives more joy in heaven: one sinner who repents or 99 righteous people who need no repentance?
What is eternal life?
For God so loved the World that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have _____ ___.
What is understanding?
Finish this Proverb: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own...? What?
What is faith?
In James, it says: "For you know that when your ______ is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow."
What is the Holy Spirit?
In the second chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul writes about the way in which God reveals himself. How/through whom is the wisdom of God revealed to us?
What is someone who shows mercy and compassion toward their enemy and takes care of them.
In the parable "The Good Samaritan," Jesus describes what it means to be a "neighbor." What is the general description He shares?
What is tomorrow?
Therefore do not be anxious about _____, for ______ will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is its troubles.
What are all sins?
If hatred stirs up strife, then love covers up what?
What is pray?
James advises anyone suffering hardships and anyone who is happy or sick to do this.
What is Galatians?
This book, which precedes Ephesians, says that justification is by faith, not works.
What is The Word of God.
In the parable "The Sower and the Seeds," Jesus says that some of the seeds fall on the path and are eaten by birds, choked by thorns, or stunted by rocks. But the seeds that fall on good soil produce a crop because they have listened to/understood what?
What is troubled?
Do not let your hearts be _______. Trust in God; trust also in me.
What is knowledge?
When one fears the Lord, it is the beginning of what?
What is looking in a mirror and forgetting what you look like?
This is what James compares to listening to God's Word but failing to do what is says.
What is sexual immorality?
In 1 Corinthians 6 Paul writes that the body is a temple. He explains that all of the sins a person commits are outside of the body except for one. What is this sin?
What is so that they can see your good works and give glory to the Father in heaven.
According to the parable "The Lamp," Jesus tells us to let our light shine for two reasons. What are these two reasons?
What is possessions and poor?
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your ______ and give to the _____, and you will have treasure in heaven
What is an apple?
According to the 25th Proverb, a word filthy spoken is like what fruit of gold in pitches of silver?
What is morning fog?
James describes life as being here for a little while, then gone. He compares this to what?
What is Romans?
As Paul experiences suffering and imprisonment he is comforted by the fact that not even death can separate him from the love of Christ. In which book does he write about this?

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