Ears or hearts | Head In The Books | What is it called today? | ||
What is treacherous (Jeremiah 17:9)
Don't trust the heart, Jeremiah says because of this trait.
Who is Jehovah
"You are my witnesses."
What is Psalms
It may take a while to sing all 150.
What is Kingodm Evangelizers School
Bible school for Christian couples
What is the Bible Teach Book
What impact this "Gold Nugget" continues to have!
Who is Peter
The mob guy better look out or he will take the other ear!
Who David
"You are coming to me with a sword a spear and a javelin."
What is Exodus
How did the Israelites leave Egypt, I wonder?
What is Regional Convention
Have you ever been to a district convention?
What is Examining The Scriptures Daily
I take my vitamins every morning after this brief examination.
What is Wise (prov 27:11)
If you be this quality you can actually make Jehovah's heart rejoice.
Who is pharaoh
"Who is Jehovah, that I should obey his voice."
What are First, Second and Third John
Let me write you a letter, not once, not twice, but three times.
What is The Congregation Bible Study
Sorry, I can't. Tonight We have The Book Study!
What is Keep Yourselved in God's Love
A study aid intended to follow the teach book that is certain to "keep" one on a spiritual course.
What are idols (ps 115:5,6)
A mouth they have but they cannot speak, eyes but they cannot see, ears but they cannot hear
Who is Pontius Pilot
"Are you the king of the Jews."
What is Luke
How interesting is Jesus' life from a physicians point of view.
Who is the Coordinator of the Body of Elders
Who is your presiding overseer?
What is Young People Ask-Answers that Work
Did you become an adult during perhaps volume one or volume two of this two book series?
What is complete (2 chron 16:9)
Will the roving eyes of Jehovah find a heart that's this toward him?
Who is Stephen
"Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
What is Ecclesiastes
Listen, won't you, to the words of the congregator
What is Pioneer
My great great grandmother was a colporter.
What is The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life
Although not widely published as the teach book, this blue bomb really exploded.