Faithful Examples | Jesus on Earth | A Miracle | Acts of the Apostles | Jehovah's Great Power |
Who is Noah
He and his family survived a flood for 40 days and 40 nights inside the ark they built together.
Who is Mary
She was visited by the angel Gabriel, who told her she would become the mother of the Messiah
Who is Lazarus
Jesus resurrected this person, who was a dear friend of his.
Who is Peter
This fiery apostle lost his temper and cut an ear off of a slave
What is mark their doors with the blood of a lamb
Jehovah promised that all who do THIS would be safe from the 10th plague, otherwise the oldest son in the house would parish
Who is Josiah
He became king of Judah when he was only 8 years old, and eventually restored the pure worship of Jehovah.
Who is John the Baptist
A cousin of Jesus who "prepared the way" for him and had the honor of baptizing him
Who is Moses
He led the Israelites out of Egypt across the Red Sea which had been miraculously parted so that they could walk through.
Who is the John
This apostle received a revelation of things to come while he was a prisoner on the island of Patmos
What is salt
Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of THIS for disobeying the command to not look back
Who are Shedrach, Meshach, Abednago or Daniel
Four faithful Israelites served in the King Nebuchadnezzars court, but always remained faithful to Jehovah.
What is his body and his blood
"Eat this bread. it represents my THIS...Drink this wine. it represents my THIS, which I gave so that your sins can be forgiven"
What is fish and loaves of bread
5,000 men and women and children ate this meal on day in bethsaida. The apostles were concerned that there was not enough food, in the end there were 12 baskets full of leftovers!
Who is Paul
This apostle was a mentor to the young Timothy, and preached all over the world
Who is Samson
Jehovah granted THIS man super human strength as long as he didn't cut his hair
Who is Joseph
The second to youngest son of Jacob, who was sold as a slave by his brothers but eventually became the second most powerful person in Egypt.
Who is Judas Iscariote
This person who was once a loyal apostle, betrayed Jesus for only 30 pieces of silver
What is his donkey
Balaams THIS began to speak on the way to Moab
What is Rome
Pauls destination for his trial with Caesar
What is 1 day
The sun did not set for THIS long during the battle against the Gibeonites, allowing Joshua to conquer them quickly
Who are Caleb or Joshua
Of the 12 men sent to spy out the land of Canaan, he was one of the 2 that gave a good report. "Jehovah is with us, do not fear them!"
Who is Poncius Pilate
This governor was influenced by the wicked crowd that had been turned against Jesus, and ruled that he should be killed even though he "found no fault" in him.
Who is Peter
This apostle of Jesus joined him for a walk on the water, but only briefly before his doubt caused him to begin the sink!
Who is Cornelius
He is one of the first "Gentiles" to worship Jehovah and receive Holy Spirit.
What is Jericho
Thanks to the power of Jehovah, the Israelites only had to march around the walls of THIS city to bring its tremendous walls collapsing down