Strange Ways to Die

A Woman's Place Violent People & Things Things in Baskets The Apostles Name that Tune
Who is Leah
She was the first of Jacob's wives to bear children
What is Bronze
Goliath's armor weighed over 125 pounds and was made of this
Who is Paul
This Apostle life was saved using a basket
James & John
These Apostles were nicknamed "The Sons of Thunder" by Jesus
What is When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
My richest gain I count but loss. And pour contempt on all my pride
Who is Moses
Miriam criticized him for being married to an Ethiopian woman
Who is Shamgar
He killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad
Who is Pharaoh's Baker
This servant's dream of three breadbaskets foretold his death
Who is Peter
According to historians, this apostle was crucified, head downward in Rom
What is Lean on His Arm
'Neath His potting wings abide you, firm on the Rock of Ages stand.
Who is Mary
The angel Gabriel told her "Blessed art thou among women"
Who is Joshua
He drew the army of Ai out of the city so another group could ambush and destroy it
What is 12
This many baskets of food were collected after Jesus fed the 5000
Who is John
He is the only apostle to die of natural causes
What is I Know That My Redeemer Lives
He wills that I should holy be, In word, In tho't, in deed.
Who is Rachel
She begged her sister for mandrakes in hopes that they would help her bear children
He killed Ben-hadad, King of Syria, by smothering him while he was sick
What is a wicked woman
Zechariah had a vision of this rising up out of a basket
Peter, Andrew, James & John
These apostles were fishermen
What is Who at the Door Is Standing
Door of my heart, I hasten
Who is Elisabeth
She was married to a priest name Zacharias
What is the jawbone of a donkey
Samson Killed 1000 men with this
What are human heads
King Jehu received 70 of these in baskets
Who is Thomas
He was absent when Jesus appeared to the Apostles after his resurrection
What is O Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Here I raise my Ebeneezer, Hither by Thy help I come
What is numbering the people
God sent a pestilence that killed 70,000 people as punishment for this action of King David

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