Old Testament (Genesis-Ruth) | Books of the Bible | Bible Characters | Bible Places |
What is a golden calf ? (Exodus 32:4)
Image made in Moses' absence by the children of Israel
What is John? (John 1:1)
This book begins with "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"
Who is Elizabeth?
Mother of John the Baptist
Where is Ur?
Where Abraham left from
Who is Rachel? (Genesis 31:19)
She stole the household gods of her father
What is Jeremiah?
It's after the book of Isaiah
Who is Joseph? (Matthew 1:19)
He thought to spare his wife of public shame
Where is the wedding in Cana?
Jesus performed his first miracle here (the occasion and place required)
Who is Joshua? (Joshua 10:12)
This person told the sun to stand still at Gibeon and the moon in valley of Ajalon
What is Lamentations? (Lamentations 1:1)
This book opens with the words, "How doth the city sit solitary, that was full of people! "
Who is Hannah? (1 Samuel 1:13)
The priest assumed she was drunk
Where is Antioch? (Acts 11:26)
Place where the disciples were first called Christians.
Who is Ehud? (Judges 3:16)
This judge was able to rescue Israel and he was left-handed
What is Numbers? (Numbers 22)
In this book would you find the record of Balaam and his donkey
Who are Aaron and Hur? (Exodus 17:12)
These two men helped to hold up Moses' hands
Where is Mount Moriah? (Genesis 22:2)
Mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac.
Who is Jair? (Judges 10:3)
This person had 30 sons who rode 30 donkeys (he was a judge)
What is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy?
The books of the Pentateuch
Who is Sarah?
She was not the first to give Abraham a child, but was his first wife
Where is Uz? (Job 1:1-3)
There is a land east of Judah where Job lived.