Bible Characters | Bible books | Name that Song! | Random | Fill in the blank |
Who was the only perfect AND faithful man to ever live on the earth
2 chronicles
What Bible book comes after 1 chronicles
Listen, Obey and Be Blessed
" but we'll be blessed if we know and obey. Listen obey and be blessed"
A kingdom-hall
What is our place of worship called today
" May people know that you, whose name is ______ you alone are the most high over all the earth" - Psalms 83:18
Which Bible character spent three days in the belly of a whale?
In which bible book do we learn about creation, Adam, and Eve
Jehovah is your name
" The living and true God. The God of all creation. In every generation..."
A donkey and a serpent
What two animals in the Bible actually spoke!
" And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and ____ will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry not pain be anymore" - Revelation 21:3,4
Queen Jezebel
What was the name of the wicked queen who wore crazy makeup and hated Jehovah's people
What bible book comes after numbers
Reaching out
"Jehovah knows just what we need. To bring us joy and to succeed. So he provides so many ways. In which to serve and spend our days"
an elder
What is the highest privilege that a Brother can be blessed with within the congregation?
" Be _________ and strong"-Joshua 1:9
Ruth and Naomi
OR David and Jonathan
What two bible characters had a strong relationship, despite their age difference?
how many books are in the bible
Grant us boldness
" As we tell about the Kingdom, As we witness for your name. There are many who oppose us. And who try to bring us shame."
" Pure worship of Jehovah- Restored At Last!"
chapter 17
What is the name of the book were currently studying AND what chapter are we on
Sacred Service
" Then Jesus said to him: "Go away, Satan! For it is written: ' It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render _____ ________"- Matthew 9. 10
Judas Iscariot
Which disciple sold Jesus for 30 silver coins
Mathew, Mark, Luke, John
Which books of the bible mainly discuss Jesus life?
Please hear my prayer
"Heavenly Father, please hear my song.
You are my God; to you I belong. Great is your name, beyond all compare." |
local design construction
What does LDC stand for
Wage sin
" For the ____ ___ pays is death"- Romans 6;23