They Did It First | Also Known As... | Back to the Future | Trouble Sleeping | All Alone |
What is the serpent
"He" told the first lie
Who is Saul
Who is Balaam
A prophet who had a confrontation with his Donkey
Who is David
He and Abishai snuck into Saul's camp while Saul and his men slept
Who is John
He was exiled to the Isle of Patmos
Who is Saul
He was the first King of Israel
Who is Jacob
Who is Elijah
The prophet that defeated the prophets of Baal
Who is Jacob
He told Laban that he had gone 20 years without decent sleep
Who is Hagar
She and her son were banished to the Desert by Moses
Who is Peter
He was the first apostle chosen by Jesus
Who is Daniel
Who is Jeremiah
This prophet was put in a hole for being too outspoken; he is often referred to as the "weeping prophet"
Who is Uriah
He slept on David's doorstep after being brought home early from war
Who is Cain
He was exiled to the Land of Nod
Who is Othniel
He was the the first Israelite Judge
Who is Naomi
What is Nineveh
Nahum prophesied against this city, commonly associated with another run away prophet
Who is Mordecai
King Ahasuerus could not sleep the night after Haman built gallows on which to hang this man
What is Midian
Moses fled here when he left Egypt
What is Enoch
It was the first city
Who is Joshua
Who is Philip
He had four single daughters who were considered prophetess
Who is King Darius
He did not sleep all night while Daniel was in the Lion's Den
Who is Absalom
He spent three years in exile after killing his brother Amnon
What is the head of King Saul
Following their victory over the Israelites, the Philistines fastened this object in the Temple of Dagon