Noah's Ark | Moses | Jesus | Adam and Eve | David and Goliath |
What did Noah Build?
An Ark
How did God speak to Moses
Burning Bush
Where was Jesus born?
Who was created firs? Adam or Eve?
Who was the Giant?
How many days and nights did it rain?
What did God tell Moses to do for his People?
Free His People
How many people did Jesus feed with Bread and Fish?
What was the name of the Garden Adam and Eve lived in?
What did David do for work?
A Shepherd
What was the sign God gave us to tell us he would never flood the earth again?
a Rainbow
How many plagues did God send when the Pharaoh didn't listen to Moses?
Who was looking for Jesus when he was born?
King Herod, the shepherds, and the wise men.
What animal tempted Eve to eat the fruit?
A Serpent
What did David take off to fight Goliath?
His Armor
What did the dove bring back to the Ark?
an olive branch
What did God do to the Ocean when Moses put his staff on the ground?
Parted the Sea
What did Jesus do to wash away our sins?
died for us
What tree did the fruit come from that God told them not to eat?
the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
What did David use to kill Goliath?
Who was on the Ark?
Noah, his wife, their sons and sons wives.
How did God lead his people during the day?
with a cloud
Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
What were the names of the sons of Adam and Eve?
Cain, Abel and Seth
Who were David's people?