Lesson 8 | Nehemiah-Lesson 9 | Lesson 10 | Malachi-Lesson 11 | Hope-Lesson 12 |
In Ezra 7:6, where did Ezra come from?
The walls were broken down. The gates were burned.
What was the bad news from Jerusalem that Nehemiah heard about?
The Law.
Look in Nehemiah 8:2. What did Ezra bring before the assembly of men and women?
Look in Malachi 1:6. What does God expect from someone who knows he is the father?
A messenger
Look at Malachi 3:1, What was the Lord going to send?
The Lord his God
Also in Ezra 7:6, whose hand was upon Ezra?
Wept. Fasted. Prayed.
What did Nehemiah do when he heard this news?
From morning until Midday.
How long did Ezra read?
They despised his name.
They had no honor or reverence for God. They hated him.
At the end of Malachi 1:6, how did the priests feel about God's name?
Prepare the way for the Lord.
What was the messenger going to do?
They had taken the daughters for themselves, they had married foreigners who worshiped false gods.
Ezra found out the people in Jerusalem were doing something that God had forbidden them to do. What was it? Look in Ezra 9:2.
1 group worked at construction
1 group held spears, shields, bows and wore armor
Nehemiah divided the workers into two groups. What did the 2 groups do?
They answered "Amen, Amen!"
They lifted up their hands. They bowed their heads and worshipped the Lord with their faces to the ground.
The people responded to the reading of God's holy word in three ways. What is at least one of those ways?
Lame Sick
And in Malachi 1:8, what kinds of animals were the priests sacrificing to God?
John the baptist.
Who was the messenger Malachi spoke of?
He plucked out some of his hair.
He sad down astonished. He tore his clothes.
How did Ezra react to the bad news?
The sound of a trumpet.
If the enemy did attack, what would the warning of danger be?
They understood their sinfulness.
Why did the people cry when they heard the Word of God?
Send a curse.
What was God going to do because the priests would not give glory to God's name?
Who would John the Baptist tell about when he came? Who was John preparing the way for?
Confess to the Lord and do his will.
Separate from the pagan wives.
What did Ezra tell the people they must do about their sin?
Wisdom and protection.
What did God give Nehemiah and the people in order to safely and completely rebuild the walls of Jerusalem?
Old testament.
Is the book of Nehemiah in the old or new testament in the bible?
Their blessings.
What was God going to curse?
What great prophet was John the Baptist compared to?